Avoid Copy Paste

Friday, November 20, 2009

Arguments on Colors?

Conversation 1: I asked for Lemon Chiffon, you bought Corn silk, are you color blind or it doesn’t matter to you? :(
Conversation 2: I said Azure NOT Alice Blue.... Can't you differentiate between them??? You just don’t have taste of colors

Sounds familiar, isn't it ?

Once in a while, you must have got into arguments like this, either with your girl-friend, wife or mother/sister. Don't worry, W3School is here to rescue you, just go to http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colorvalues.asp
It offers a complete list of the color names with their ACTUAL color and hexa-decimal values. So next time you get into argument, just open this link and rescue yourself. So no more confusion on
Aqua-Cyan, Navy-DarkBlue-Blue, LightSeaGreen-ForestGreen-SeaGreen-LawnGreen-Chartreuse

Conversation 3: "तिचा शालु तर बघ, शेवटी तिने 'रामा' कलरच घेतला. तरी मी सांगत होते 'चिंतामणी' घे म्हणुन"
अजुन तरी W3School चे मराठी version आले नसल्याने असल्या संभाषणाचे interpretation सध्यातरी ऐकणाऱ्याची "लक्ष्मी रोड" ची माहीती, management skills आणि परिस्थितीवर अवलंबून आहे

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